Latest Campaign: The Bully Project, Iteration #2
Just in time for their hour long special on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 scheduled to air tonight, we're pleased to announce the relaunch of The Bully Project.
The Bully Project is a new national (US) movement to end bullying in the next generation. Inspired by the award winning film BULLY, The Bully Project brings together students, parents, educators and advocates in a national movement to stop bullying that is transforming kids’ lives and changing a culture of bullying into one of empathy and action.
We’ve been working with The Bully Project over the last few weeks to develop an integrated campaign infrastructure that combines web, digital organizing, e-commerce, and distributed action in way that’s accessible for all supporters.
Some of the most interesting features of their new NationBuilder powered site:
- Supporters can earn badges for taking action and display their badges to their friends and followers.
- We took NationBuilder’s ‘gamification’ tools and pushed them onto the home page using a system we called “tiles” that creates a simple, customizable and interactive space for supporter action.
- We connected their offline resources & downloadable .pdfs into the game mechanics to help bring staid resources to life.
We’ll be post a few more updates about the project as we continue to roll out more features so stay tuned.
Want to learn more about The Bully Project? Tune in to Anderson Cooper 360 tonight (Feb 28th) at 10pm EST on CNN for an hour-long special titled The Bully Effect.