- In your website's control panel and click "+ New Page" to create your RepFind campaign. Name it, give it a slug, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure to select Petition under "Type of Page".
- Once your new page has been created, navigate to the page's Template tab and copy and paste the following verbatim in there:
<script type="text/javascript">
var cc = "";
var bcc = "[email protected]";
var subject_from_page = "{{page.headline | strip_html}}";
// Please choose the level(s) of government you'd like the search to return.
// Include "federal", "provincial", and/or "municipal" in between the '[' ']' brackets.
// If you are including multiple, please separate them with a comma. The last selection should NOT have a comma after it
var level_of_government = ["provincial"];
// Please don't touch unless absolutely necessary
var body_from_page = "{{ page.petition.content | strip_html }}";
var current_user_first_name = "{{request.current_user.first_name}}"
var current_user_last_name = "{{request.current_user.last_name}}"
</script>{% include "email_your_rep" %}
- Navigate to the "Petition settings" tab to customize the options of the campaign. Navigate over to the "Intro" subnav and add the headline and introduction to your campaign. These will show up on the left-hand side of the campaign. You can use add multimedia like YouTube videos if you like. The headline will also be the subject for the email. Click Save when you're done.
- Navigate over to the "Content" subnav and add the content of the email body that you want your supporters to send to their reps in the campaign. This will show up on the right-hand "Dear...." section of the campaign. Click Save when you're done.
- Navigate to the Template section of the page. Scroll to the very bottom to where it says: "YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE YOUR CAMPAIGN HERE". Here you have multiple options, including:
- Adding a CC and BCC to your email (i.e. in case you want your organization to get a copy of every email sent).
- Customizing the subject line of the campaign.
- Choosing the level(s) of government you'd like the search to return. By default it's set to all three levels, but you can choose to include or exclude "federal", "provincial", and/or "municipal" in between the '[ ]' brackets. If you are including multiple, please separate them with a comma. The last selection should NOT have a comma after it.
- Advanced options (not recommended)
- Changing the body of the email. Defaulted to whatever you put in the "Content" section under Petition Settings > Content.
- Changing the first and last name of the representative of the signatory. Defaulted to first and last name of person signed in.
- Click Save & Publish when you're done your customizations.
- When you're ready to go live, make sure all pages are published. Good luck!
- Note that each new RepFind page you create will return to the defaulted options that have been set by the template. Please follow step 6 to customize once more.