Creating a blog post in NationBuilder is a straightforward process, but there are a number of additional actions that we strongly recommend you take when making posts to make sure they both look and function in the most engaging way possible:
Add meta-images to every post (REQUIRED):
- The thumbnail image that displays behind blog posts on the blog list (and when pulled to the homepage), as shown in the image above, is pulled from the post’s meta-images
- Add a meta-image to every blog post by going to Settings → Social media for the post, and uploading the photo where it says “Thumbnail for Facebook, etc”
- These images are also used to accompany Facebook page shares
Fill out the social media settings for every post (REQUIRED):
- Set the default text that will be used if someone shares the post on social media by going to Settings → Social media for the post and filling out both boxes (the first is the default tweet, the second is the default Facebook share)
Insert images into your blog post (OPTIONAL):
You can make your posts more engaging by adding images to them.
- First upload the photos to the Files section of post
- Go back to Content, click the "Insert Image" tree icon, and choose your image from the "Image List" dropdown
- Save your post
Add a banner image to the top of your blog post (OPTIONAL):
Similar to inserting photos into the post itself, you can also make your posts more visually engaging by adding a banner image along the very top of your post.
To do so, go to Settings → Featured content sliders under your blog post
- Name should be a descriptor of the image (e.g., "landscape")
Headline/Action text can be left blank if you just want to feature the image. If you want to have a text overlay on the image, as shown below, this is where you would insert that text.
- Page to feature should just be the slug of the blog post itself
- Image is where you upload the banner image. Make sure it's a hi-res file—with a width of at least 1200 pixels—and less than 500kb in size.